The Afterlife of Alyx & Israel | Book Review




Title: The Afterlife Of Alyx & Israel (Dark Angel #6)

Author: Hanna Peach

Cover Designer: Romac Designs

Genre: YA Fantasy


Once upon a lifetime, Alyx & Israel lost each other…

In their new mortal lives, Alyx & Israel don’t remember anything about their past. And they have never crossed paths. Until some old friends decide to secretly nudge destiny along, their efforts almost destroying everything…
Now Alyx’s life lies in the balance, trapped in a coma deep within a DreamScape maze city. The only one who can help her escape is Israel, a man she doesn’t remember. They need to find a mysterious Mapmaker and solve his riddle. But is this Mapmaker hiding something?
Although this book is set years after the Dark Angel saga, it can be read as a standalone.
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One Paris Summer | Book Review

One Paris Summer Title: One Paris Summer

Author: Denise Grover Swank

My Rating: 5/5 stars

Goodreads Summary:

Most teens dream of visiting the City of Lights, but it feels more like a nightmare for Sophie Brooks. She and her brother are sent to Paris to spend the summer with their father, who left home a year ago without any explanation. As if his sudden abandonment weren’t betrayal enough, he’s about to remarry, and they’re expected to play nice with his soon-to-be wife and stepdaughter. The stepdaughter, Camille, agrees to show them around the city, but she makes it clear that she will do everything in her power to make Sophie miserable.

Sophie could deal with all the pain and humiliation if only she could practice piano. Her dream is to become a pianist, and she was supposed to spend the summer preparing for a scholarship competition. Even though her father moved to Paris to pursue his own dream, he clearly doesn’t support hers. His promise to provide her with a piano goes unfulfilled.

Still, no one is immune to Paris’s charm. After a few encounters with a gorgeous French boy, Sophie finds herself warming to the city, particularly when she discovers that he can help her practice piano. There’s just one hitch—he’s a friend of Camille’s, and Camille hates Sophie. While the summer Sophie dreaded promises to become best summer of her life, one person could ruin it all.

“Nothing is impossible with the heart.”

My Review:

One word can be used to sum up this book..AMAZING. I absolutely loved this book from the beginning and I truly can’t express how much I loved it. I will admit that the cover and the title is what first drew me in. I have always been interested in Paris and would love to visit there one day, but I was lucky to live through Sophie’s eyes throughout this story. I thought that this was going to be a super light, fluffy, cotton candy type of read, but you get so much more from it. My review has minor spoilers as far as the characters go, but nothing that would ruin the story for you!

I felt bad for Sophie and Eric at the beginning because you learn that their father walked out on the their family to move to Paris and then they find out just before visiting him in Paris that he is getting married to a new woman who has a daughter, Camille, who is a complete witch (I’ll get to her in a bit). If I were Sophie, I would also feel abandoned and felt like her father just had a new family and she was forgotten. Throughout the story though, it starts to become clear the reasoning behind her father’s departure because there is definitely more to it than him just leaving the country out of the blue.

I don’t want to give too much away about the story because I think it’s more enjoyable to go into reading it without knowing much, but I would like to talk about the characters because that is what truly sold me on this story.

I really liked Sophie, but sometimes, especially in the beginning, I felt like she was being a brat. I also had to take a step back and remember that she’s just a teenager and so her moodiness is kind of expected. I loved watching how much she grew as a person throughout the story and how she was able to come out of her shell, both with her piano playing and her personality as well. She was really able to gain confidence in herself, which I think many, if not all teenage girls struggle with. Mathieu was another main character who instantly stole my heart! He is just a charming French gentleman who was so sweet.

I could not stand Camille for the majority of this book. I understand that she had been through a lot, but the way she treated Sophie was just terrible. She did have her redeeming moments, but she frustrated me more often than not. I also did not like Dane AT ALL. I think his character was an absolute pig. Sophie’s brother Eric was fine as a character. I’m pretty indifferent about him, but I was happy whenever he stood up for his little sister.

This book paints the city of Paris for you so you can easily picture it. Denise Grover Swank does beautiful writing and you’re able to immerse yourself into Sophie’s point of view and see the world through her eyes. This book pulled on my heart-strings and took me on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but it was perfect.It gives you friendship, family struggles, and swoon-worthy romance.

There was a bit of a twist that I wasn’t expecting, but it really just added to the excitement of this story. I would definitely recommend this book if you like contemporary romantic books. I read this book on my iPad, but after reading it I definitely want to get a physical copy of it because I love the cover of it and would love to have it on my shelf to probably read again later on.

If you would like to read One Paris Summer, you can purchase it from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

*I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review*


Series Spotlight |Series I Want to Own

I don’t know about you, but I think I love series more than stand alone books. I feel that with a book series you’re able to be fully immersed into the story’s world, and in most cases, the stories last longer than a stand alone novel. I won’t lie in that I also like the way series look on my bookshelf too.

So with summer in full swing, I was looking at my bookshelf and seeing which books I need to finish a series I really enjoy. I also have a few series that I need the full collection of that I have been desperate for for a while now so I thought I would share those with you today. Some of these I have read completely, read part of them, and some I’ve never read at all but they are on my TBR list.


Harry Potter(Hardcover) by J.K. Rowling

Now before I get scolded for not having these books already, let me say that I did own the first 4 books in their original hardcover form from when they originally released and I have read this series multiple times, but my copies were put in my attic during my moody teenage years and were messed up from water damage during a hurricane. This is one of favorite series that I have ever read and I would love to have these in hardcover again.


The Selection(Hardcover) by Kiera Cass

I own the first two books in this series and contrary to mixed reviews on it, I really enjoy them so far. If you like stories about royalty and enjoy the Bachelor, then you would probably really like this series. I know that The Heir and The Crown follow different characters, but I would like to own them all because 1.) I think the covers are beautiful and 2.) I would love to finish the series.


The Mortal Instruments(Hardcover) by Cassandra Clare

I read the first three books in this series a while back, but I just rented them from the library. I got really busy with school after I read them that this series got pushed to the backburner for me, but I would love to own them all and reread the first three and finish the others. I would also like to go onto the read The Infernal Devices after.


The Lunar Chronicles(Hardcover) by Marissa Meyer

I have actually not read this series at all, but it has been on my TBR list for a while. I’ve heard nothing but great reviews on these books so I definitely need to read them soon. I could get these from the library, but I would love to own these just based on how much I adore these covers! I love Disney and fairy tales so I know this twisted retelling is right up my alley.

I am always looking for new book recommendations so let me know in the comments what your favorite series is!

My bookstagram: @southernbooklove

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes | Book Review


 Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Published: December 31, 2012

Pages: 481

Source: B&N // Amazon

Goodreads Summary

I normally am ahead of my game and read books before they come out as movies, but this one somehow slipped through the cracks for me. Since the movie buzz came about, I was hearing more and more about this book and how amazing it was. I also heard how devastating and moving it was. I enjoy a good love story, but I really love those hopeless romantic stories that are so moving and will have you sobbing.

So I was going into this book expecting a huge love story and I was prepared to cry, because, well, I’m a very emotional person and books do make me cry (cue John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars and any Nicholas Sparks novel.)  After reading it, I didn’t shed a tear. I definitely understand why people would get upset, but it wasn’t a devastating story. The love story is also not so prominent in this book either.

With that being said, I didn’t enjoy this book any less because of that. I found the book quite funny at several times and the character’s personalities were infectious, especially Lou. I loved how she was so overly chatty and had her sarcastic ways as well, which I thought really meshed well with Will’s character. One character I really didn’t like was Lou’s sister, Treena(Katrina). I think she was kind of a brat the entire story with the exception of a few moments and she just frustrated me whenever she was involved.

Sure the characters found love in unexpected places, but I think the bigger theme of this book is about life and the choices we make throughout our journey here on earth. I thought the writing was wonderful and I’m still interested to see the movie to see how it plays out on the screen compared to the image I got reading it. If you’re apprehensive about reading this book because you think it will pull out all of your heart strings and devastate you, I would recommend you still read it.

Overall a wonderful read and I plan on reading other books by Jojo Moyes as well! I give this book 4.5/5 stars. If you haven’t picked this book up yet, I definitely suggest you do!

My bookstagram: @southernbooklove


Summer Reads |My Recommendations


Now that it is officially summer(here in the South it has felt like summer for several months now), I thought what better time than to share some of my recommendations for perfect summer reads! Summer is my favorite time of year for reading because I have more time to dedicate to reading and the summer months I usually read a lot more books.

Over the past few years, I have found some great books and authors that have that setting and plot that’s perfect for the beach, by the pool, or even just inside(in the cool AC). These are just a few suggestions, but any contemporary book is a great summer read for me.

  1. The Summer I Turned Pretty trilogy by Jenny Han

Goodreads Summary

You can just tell by the title that this is a great summer read. I read all three books in about 3 days because Jenny Han’s writing just draws you in and it’s hard to put down. These are very light and easy reads, so they’re perfect for a day at the beach or pool. Jenny Han’s work in general is all great! I give all three books 5/5 stars

2. The Selection series by Kiera Cass

Goodreads Summary

I have actually only read the first two books(there are now 5), but the rest are on my TBR list because I loved the first two. I have heard mixed reviews about this series, but I personally really enjoyed what I’ve read so far. If you like a mix of the Bachelor and fairy tales, you would probably really like this series. Once again, they’re very light and easy reads. They are also really entertaining seeing how it is like a Bachelor competition. I give the first two books 4.5/5 stars only due to the pace being a little slow in the beginning.


3. Morgan Matson

Second Chance Summer // Goodreads Summary

I fell in love with Morgan  Matson’s writing last summer after reading Second Chance Summer and Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour. Matson has the gift of bringing the story and characters to life while you’re reading. I had no trouble at all getting to know the characters in both books and growing to love them. I will say that Second Chance Summer was my favorite of the two, but both are amazing reads. Second Chance Summer had me sobbing by the end of the book, but I absolutely loved every minute of it. There was never a dull moment in the book. I currently have The Unexpected Everything and Since You’ve Been Gone on my TBR list and will be reviewing those as soon as I read them! I would give Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour 4/5 stars as it was a little slow-paced at times, but still a wonderful story and would recommend it to anyone. I would absolutely give 5/5 stars to Second Chance Summer. One of my top favorite books that I read in 2015.

4. Sarah Dessen

Goodreads Author Page // Sarah Dessen

Sarah Dessen is one of my top favorite authors and has been for years now. I have read several of her books and I have loved all of them. They are all very easy reads, but all have a great moral lesson behind them, which I appreciate. The way Sarah Dessen can create so many wonderful stories amazes me because the quality is near perfection in my opinion in every book I’ve read by her. I have taken several of her books on vacation and found that they are the perfect relaxing read to have with you at the beach or pool, but I recommend them any time of year really. My favorites would be Along for the Ride and Lock & Key. Saint Anything is also on my TBR list for this summer!


5. The Au Pairs series by Melissa de la Cruz

Goodreads Summary

I haven’t read this series in a couple of years so I’m a little rusty on the details, but I do know that this was a pretty good summer series. If you’re looking for light reads with some cheesy romance, these are a great pick. The pacing was a little slow at times I remember but still great plots. I read through them fairly quickly as well. I would rate the series overall 4/5 stars. It’s not my absolute favorite series in the world, but still really enjoyable.


6. Something Borrowed (Darcy & Rachel) by Emily Giffin

Goodreads Summary

The Darcy & Rachel duology is my last recommendation for summer reads. I actually saw the movie first and really did not like it that much, but I heard the books were good so I gave them a try. I’m glad I did because I ended up really liking both! These are more of an adult contemporary, but still easy reads. I would give them 4/5 stars. These books led me to read other books by Emily Giffin, which I loved even more, such as Heart of the Matter and Where We Belong.

I hope you enjoy some of these books this summer if you haven’t already read them! Let me know in the comments what your favorite summer read suggestions are because I’m always on the hunt for new books to read 🙂

My bookstagram: @southernbooklove

Welcome to Southern Book Love

Hey y’all!

My name is Lindsey. I have loved reading since I was very young and my love for books has only grown through the years. I enjoy reading any genre of books, but my favorite would be Contemporary and Young Adult. I love those light, fluffy stories that usually have the mushy gushy romance aspect(a favorite of mine seeing as I’m a hopeless romantic).

I love to share books that I enjoy with my family and friends and so I thought a blog would be a great way to share my thoughts with the world! I plan on doing book recommendations, book wrap ups, and most of all reviews!

I am always looking for great book recommendations so feel free to leave me comments! Also feel free to follow me on Goodreads- SouthernBookLove

My bookstagram: @southernbooklove

Until next time,
