The Afterlife of Alyx & Israel | Book Review




Title: The Afterlife Of Alyx & Israel (Dark Angel #6)

Author: Hanna Peach

Cover Designer: Romac Designs

Genre: YA Fantasy


Once upon a lifetime, Alyx & Israel lost each other…

In their new mortal lives, Alyx & Israel don’t remember anything about their past. And they have never crossed paths. Until some old friends decide to secretly nudge destiny along, their efforts almost destroying everything…
Now Alyx’s life lies in the balance, trapped in a coma deep within a DreamScape maze city. The only one who can help her escape is Israel, a man she doesn’t remember. They need to find a mysterious Mapmaker and solve his riddle. But is this Mapmaker hiding something?
Although this book is set years after the Dark Angel saga, it can be read as a standalone.
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One Paris Summer | Book Review

One Paris Summer Title: One Paris Summer

Author: Denise Grover Swank

My Rating: 5/5 stars

Goodreads Summary:

Most teens dream of visiting the City of Lights, but it feels more like a nightmare for Sophie Brooks. She and her brother are sent to Paris to spend the summer with their father, who left home a year ago without any explanation. As if his sudden abandonment weren’t betrayal enough, he’s about to remarry, and they’re expected to play nice with his soon-to-be wife and stepdaughter. The stepdaughter, Camille, agrees to show them around the city, but she makes it clear that she will do everything in her power to make Sophie miserable.

Sophie could deal with all the pain and humiliation if only she could practice piano. Her dream is to become a pianist, and she was supposed to spend the summer preparing for a scholarship competition. Even though her father moved to Paris to pursue his own dream, he clearly doesn’t support hers. His promise to provide her with a piano goes unfulfilled.

Still, no one is immune to Paris’s charm. After a few encounters with a gorgeous French boy, Sophie finds herself warming to the city, particularly when she discovers that he can help her practice piano. There’s just one hitch—he’s a friend of Camille’s, and Camille hates Sophie. While the summer Sophie dreaded promises to become best summer of her life, one person could ruin it all.

“Nothing is impossible with the heart.”

My Review:

One word can be used to sum up this book..AMAZING. I absolutely loved this book from the beginning and I truly can’t express how much I loved it. I will admit that the cover and the title is what first drew me in. I have always been interested in Paris and would love to visit there one day, but I was lucky to live through Sophie’s eyes throughout this story. I thought that this was going to be a super light, fluffy, cotton candy type of read, but you get so much more from it. My review has minor spoilers as far as the characters go, but nothing that would ruin the story for you!

I felt bad for Sophie and Eric at the beginning because you learn that their father walked out on the their family to move to Paris and then they find out just before visiting him in Paris that he is getting married to a new woman who has a daughter, Camille, who is a complete witch (I’ll get to her in a bit). If I were Sophie, I would also feel abandoned and felt like her father just had a new family and she was forgotten. Throughout the story though, it starts to become clear the reasoning behind her father’s departure because there is definitely more to it than him just leaving the country out of the blue.

I don’t want to give too much away about the story because I think it’s more enjoyable to go into reading it without knowing much, but I would like to talk about the characters because that is what truly sold me on this story.

I really liked Sophie, but sometimes, especially in the beginning, I felt like she was being a brat. I also had to take a step back and remember that she’s just a teenager and so her moodiness is kind of expected. I loved watching how much she grew as a person throughout the story and how she was able to come out of her shell, both with her piano playing and her personality as well. She was really able to gain confidence in herself, which I think many, if not all teenage girls struggle with. Mathieu was another main character who instantly stole my heart! He is just a charming French gentleman who was so sweet.

I could not stand Camille for the majority of this book. I understand that she had been through a lot, but the way she treated Sophie was just terrible. She did have her redeeming moments, but she frustrated me more often than not. I also did not like Dane AT ALL. I think his character was an absolute pig. Sophie’s brother Eric was fine as a character. I’m pretty indifferent about him, but I was happy whenever he stood up for his little sister.

This book paints the city of Paris for you so you can easily picture it. Denise Grover Swank does beautiful writing and you’re able to immerse yourself into Sophie’s point of view and see the world through her eyes. This book pulled on my heart-strings and took me on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but it was perfect.It gives you friendship, family struggles, and swoon-worthy romance.

There was a bit of a twist that I wasn’t expecting, but it really just added to the excitement of this story. I would definitely recommend this book if you like contemporary romantic books. I read this book on my iPad, but after reading it I definitely want to get a physical copy of it because I love the cover of it and would love to have it on my shelf to probably read again later on.

If you would like to read One Paris Summer, you can purchase it from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

*I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review*


In the Hope of Memories by Olivia Rivers|Book Review


In The Hope of Memories by Olivia Rivers

Published: March 21, 2016

Pages: 406

Source: I received this in exchange for my honest review

“One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.”

Hope is dying.

Hope Jackson has lived her short life to the fullest, but her four closest friends are dangling on the brink of disaster. Right before dying of a rare heart condition, Hope sets up a scavenger hunt across New York City using her graffiti art. The directions she leaves her friends are simple: Solve the clues hidden in her art, and they’ll solve the problems haunting their lives.
Hope is dead.
Two days after her heart fails, Hope’s friends are thrown together:
Aiden, her best friend, whose plans to attend college have been scattered by his OCD.
Kali, her foster sister, whose last ties to sanity are as razor-thin as her anorexic waistline.
Erik, her high school crush, whose success as an athlete is based on a lie with no end in sight.
And Sam, her online pen-pal, whose perfect life exploded into chaos in the aftermath of a school bombing.
Together, the four teens take to the streets of New York to complete Hope’s scavenger hunt and fulfill her dying wishes. But in order to unravel the clues hidden in Hope’s graffiti, her friends will need to confront their personal demons head on.
Hope is within reach. Source

My thoughts:

5/5 stars

This book is absolutely breathtaking! Olivia Rivers’ writing is so beautiful and she draws you into this world from the start. I did not expect to enjoy this book as much as I did. By the end of the story I was sobbing, but the ending couldn’t have been better in my opinion. This story follows four characters (5 if you count Hope) and it switches between each of their points of view. Now I normally really don’t like books where it is several different POVs, but the way Rivers did it was perfect because you are introduced to each of the characters gradually and when it switches POV, the story still flows without having flashbacks and jumping around. The characters are what really make this story because I feel that everyone can relate to at least one character in some way. I don’t want to give too much away so I don’t spoil the story so I’ll share my thoughts on the characters.

I definitely feel that I can relate to Aiden the most out of all of them. He suffers from severe anxiety and OCD and this causes him to fear to live his life to the fullest. He is such an intelligent person, but he puts himself down a lot throughout the book.

Erik was another great character that I honestly didn’t like too much at the beginning. He is your typical “jock” when you first meet him, but throughout the story, you learn there is a lot more to him than sports, in both good and bad ways.

Kali was a character that throughout the book frustrated me a lot because I wish she could have realized what everyone kept telling her all along- that she does matter and she is loved. She was really moody and downright rude at times, but by the end I loved her character as well.

Sam was the character that I could relate to the least. I was very confused as to why the other characters referred to Sam as “they” throughout the book, thinking it was a misprint, but you soon learn the real reason. Sam was a very moody character (along with Kali), but Sam also had a big heart. The only thing that I didn’t like about when the book was in Sam’s point of view was that the writing was very informal in that it was all lowercase and used computer language like “4ever” and “some1,” but it definitely fit the type of life Same led, where computers and technology were top priority.

Without giving too much away, each of these characters have something bad going on mentally, a sort of fear that they are fighting against. I would highly recommend anyone and everyone to read this book because we all have fears in our life, be it mental or environmental, that we afraid to face. This books helps give you what Hope gave to her friends– hope. Hope that you can fight through your fears and live your life the way you truly want to. Hope died and she wants to help her friends realize that life is too short to not live everyday like it’s the last. She may have known that she was dying, but we don’t all have that.We could all learn from this book in that we should be happy because everyone deserves that. Every person has value and worth, even when we are broken. If you haven’t read this book yet, I strongly recommend you do because I don’t think you will be disappointed at all. I got so much more out of this book than just a good entertaining story.

My bookstagram: @southernbooklove

“It means not everything that’s broken is worthless.”  —In the Hope of Memories