Series Spotlight |Series I Want to Own

I don’t know about you, but I think I love series more than stand alone books. I feel that with a book series you’re able to be fully immersed into the story’s world, and in most cases, the stories last longer than a stand alone novel. I won’t lie in that I also like the way series look on my bookshelf too.

So with summer in full swing, I was looking at my bookshelf and seeing which books I need to finish a series I really enjoy. I also have a few series that I need the full collection of that I have been desperate for for a while now so I thought I would share those with you today. Some of these I have read completely, read part of them, and some I’ve never read at all but they are on my TBR list.


Harry Potter(Hardcover) by J.K. Rowling

Now before I get scolded for not having these books already, let me say that I did own the first 4 books in their original hardcover form from when they originally released and I have read this series multiple times, but my copies were put in my attic during my moody teenage years and were messed up from water damage during a hurricane. This is one of favorite series that I have ever read and I would love to have these in hardcover again.


The Selection(Hardcover) by Kiera Cass

I own the first two books in this series and contrary to mixed reviews on it, I really enjoy them so far. If you like stories about royalty and enjoy the Bachelor, then you would probably really like this series. I know that The Heir and The Crown follow different characters, but I would like to own them all because 1.) I think the covers are beautiful and 2.) I would love to finish the series.


The Mortal Instruments(Hardcover) by Cassandra Clare

I read the first three books in this series a while back, but I just rented them from the library. I got really busy with school after I read them that this series got pushed to the backburner for me, but I would love to own them all and reread the first three and finish the others. I would also like to go onto the read The Infernal Devices after.


The Lunar Chronicles(Hardcover) by Marissa Meyer

I have actually not read this series at all, but it has been on my TBR list for a while. I’ve heard nothing but great reviews on these books so I definitely need to read them soon. I could get these from the library, but I would love to own these just based on how much I adore these covers! I love Disney and fairy tales so I know this twisted retelling is right up my alley.

I am always looking for new book recommendations so let me know in the comments what your favorite series is!

My bookstagram: @southernbooklove

2 thoughts on “Series Spotlight |Series I Want to Own

  1. HarleeReads says:

    I’ve had the HP books for years but I’m just starting to read them now. It’s sad to admit. The Mortal Instruments is my favorite series of all time. You should definitely finish them. The Selection was good but I haven’t read the newer ones. Only the first three. I liked them. Cinder is really great, as well. I really had fun reading that series.

    I also love your seersucker and bows. And your blog name. Being a fellow southerner, it’s cool.

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